What I wish I could have done different…

12 Feb

February 12th, 2015

There are many times, when I have the opportunity to stare off into space – or usually when I’m trying to sleep at night – that I wish I would have chose to do things differently.  I realize, the choices I made are what make me today, but you know, perhaps this list may help someone else if they’re at that point in their life.  To organize some things, I’ll do this in a list format with explanations.


  • Never take things for granted.  Overstated? Yes, but totally true.  Take the time to cherish a family member, whether you love them a lot or not.  In many cases, especially if it’s extended family, you don’t know their circumstances (unless you’re like…super tight and share EVERYTHING).  You never know when they may suddenly leave this world and you never get the chance to tell them one last time that you love them.  Example: my uncle died last May due to a freak accident of a tree taking him out.  He was an experienced logger with many many many years under his belt, yet still couldn’t avoid this.  Then the week after, my grandmother passed away in her sleep (same side of the family).
  • Researched more opportunities for AP and/or college credit classes in high school.  To be honest, there weren’t really as many as I could have hoped at my school for what I initially wanted to go for.  The only AP course I wanted was AP Art History and it got canceled.
  • Be a bit less frivolous with how I spent my money.  Should have created some sort of college savings fund (and not just a CD that wasn’t earning me any money) and pour more money into that.  Luckily, we scraped and worked hard to pay off the ridiculous amount of tuition that was Mount Mary but I still have a lot of debt to repay.  Also, I’m still pretty damn frugal and I’m paying my loans off lightning speed.  (I will say I’m pretty fricken proud of myself right now for that one).
  • Not donate 19 inches of hair to locks of love in August of 2007.  Worst. Idea. EVER.  8 years later and I’m STILL trying to grow that hair back.  Come back fast hair growing of my youth T_T.
  • Have a more active lifestyle, outside of childhood.  I became pretty sedentary after grade school – read more books and played more video games.  I didn’t explore much anymore and I had horrible eating choices.  Ugh.  So bad.

I know there’s more buuuttt….Kind of don’t want to dwell on any of the other ones.  These are the major ones.

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Posted by on February 12, 2015 in Uncategorized


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